Based on the teachings of Carl Rogers and works off of the basis of the three core conditions for successful therapy. 

Unconditional Positive Regard: I believe that it is important to accept people as they are and to have a genuine care for my client. My aim is to demonstrate this through genuine openness and by providing a non judgmental and honest environment. 

Genuine Empathy: Every client’s experience is personal, their own subjective experience, my aim is to as best as possible, place myself in their shoes. This is done through a reflective practice, where through reflecting the experience back to the client, it is hoped that a greater understanding will be reached by both the therapist and the client and that this can lead to personal growth and healing.

Congruence: This is to do with the relationship between, me the therapist and you the client. In order for the therapy to be successful both participants, both the therapist and the client, need to be genuine, honest, trustworthy and trusting. This can take time and the hope is that through modelling the above behavior, I, the therapist, can help create these conditions.  

Rogers believed that if these core conditions could be met then to would lead to a successful outcome in therapy and this is something that I aim to bring in to our therapy sessions. 



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